Sloth Cards

It’s that time of year again… the hectic shopping, the crowds, the empty wallet… don’t forget to take time out and remember what the season is really about – BEING A SLOTH!

Spotted today in Presence gift shop – Slothy cards to give your loved ones!sloth cards1

Pens wrapped in sloths

The Department I did my PhD in gives out pens (nice ones, engraved ones, not a plastic biro) when someone becomes qualified for the degree. Yesterday was my turn – a small speech, a bunch of thank yous, etc etc.

Although I don’t work there anymore, those guys still know me so well. The pen box was wrapped in sloth wrapping paper!

It had this design:


Not sure where they got the wrapping paper from, but the original comic is here.

The day after yesterday

Boxing day today. More family stuff for lunch coming up in a couple hours… not sure how much more food I can take. All part of the season I guess! But with a fridge full of leftovers already it’s too much! Okay. Better drag myself out of this Christmas hangover and go have a shower before it’s time to go…



Slothmas Eve

It’s Christmas Eve. I’ve spent the day making salads, cakes, trifles, and now I’m in my sloth Christmas sweater and getting ready to go see family for dinner. It’s been a whirlwind couple of days, full of light-looking, finishing off work for the year and having a big lunch with my boss, and getting ready for tomorrow.

Sometimes you need to take a time-out to remember what it’s all about.

I’ll leave you with a couple pictures of my sloth tree this year, complete with 18 sloths, and topped with Napolean. Only one more sleep until Father Slothmas comes!

slothtreesarah napolean tree

Baking and caking and making

In the last week I’ve baked cupcakes with cinnamon frosting and gingerbread, currently in the middle of making truffles (they have to chill for half hour), and in a couple days will be preparing my Christmas-themed chocolate and vanilla cake (I’m on desserts this year). It’s the most wonderful time of the year… my house smells of salted caramel at the moment.

If only I was talented enough to make some of these… everyone would be getting an edible sloth present for their birthdays/Christmas.

__9256427_orig MetalSloth sloth-cake-pops

An evening baking gingerbread

Baked gingerbread cupcakes, topped with cinnamon frosting and a gingerbread tree cookie, for the work Christmas party tomorrow afternoon. They, smell, AMAZING. I didn’t have any spare cupcakes (it only made a dozen) so I have to trust myself they’re as good as the previous times I’ve baked them (which, is, very good). But I did have a few spare cookies… well, not so much anymore. They were there to mop up the excess frosting. Oh, dear.

I have to say though, it left a better taste in my mouth than I think this lil sloth has:


If anyone wants the recipe, feel free to hit me up, happy to share :)

Stress and Relief

It’s that time of year, when you know the holidays are only mere days away, and your body starts to prematurely enter vacation-mode. Tiredness, stress, and a feeling of CBF start to enter your psyche. This week (and it’s only halfway through) has been just that. Knowing that I have to still come in the week over Christmas/New Year’s sucks, and I’m just hanging out for a couple days off here and there.

I’ve been trying to get something done online (that’s quite important to me) for the last couple days (TBH, since March) and I was freaking out because the online link just wasn’t working. THANKFULLY this morning it’s all back up and running, and I was able to get it done and uploaded. Now it’s a waiting game to see if it will actually go through. If it does, Merry Christmas to me. I’ll keep you all posted 😉

SRS stressFrom Socially Responsible Sloth.