Woolworths Super Animals sloth card NSFW

Managed to get one of the Woolworths Super Animals cards featuring the three-toed pygmy sloth.


The cool thing about this promotion for kids is that they can get a sound reader which, when you swipe the card through it, makes the animal sound of that card. I was really interested in the noise that the sloth card made! My little cousin happened to have one of the sound readers, and, well… have a listen.

Audio Player

Now, I’m not sure what the Woolworths promotional/research team was thinking when they picked this noise for the sloth. If you don’t know already, that noise, the screaming noise, is the sound of a sloth mating call. The noise a female sloth makes to attract males and tell them she is in heat.

Yeah. That’s right. All your kids are listening to horny sloths looking to get it on.

Woolworths Super Animal sloth card

Did you know that in Woolworths’ current Super Animal Cards promo that you might find a Super Sloth card??



It’s a sound card too! If someone comes across one I’d love to know what the sound that they chose is. I hope it’s one of these.