Sloth Cake

When I turned 21, my Mum made me a sloth cake. It was the best present she could have given me. Doza Sloth helped me cut it, too!

sloth cake sloth cake cut



Kip the Sloth

Three years ago yesterday a bundle of slothy fun arrived in my mailbox, which went on to be called Kip the Sloth.

Kip is Doza’s best mate. You could say he’s “that” friend. A bit of a bad influence, Kip is very cheeky, can get quite rowdy, and likes to make bad jokes and laugh at them himself. He is always the life of the party, and is usually the one keeping everybody else awake when, as is often the case, it is time for bed.Kip

Kip comes from here originally!


Tonight is my favourite Aunt’s 40th. I’m looking forward to it, not just because she deserves it and it should be a good night, but because I also get to see the rest of my family, some who have to travel and are staying with me.

I love my family. They mean so much to me. We have been through a lot over the years, many good times, but also many bad times. People come and go in your life, and sometimes family members do too. You have to look around you: who loves you? Who will be there unconditionally? THEY are your family. Don’t spend your life worrying and trying to please people who make you feel small or insecure.
