“The Sloth”

In moving-slow he has no Peer.
You ask him something in his Ear,
He thinks about it for a Year;

And, then, before he says a Word
There, upside down (unlike a Bird),
He will assume that you have Heard-

A most Ex-as-per-at-ing Lug.
But should you call his manner Smug,
He’ll sigh and give his Branch a Hug;

Then off again to Sleep he goes,
Still swaying gently by his Toes,
And you just know he knows he knows.

Theodore Roethke (1908-63)



My Mum, sister and niece got back from overseas today. Sounds like they had an amazing time! I felt very lucky, got some merchandise and some duty free goodies, plus my sister got me a sloth! From a zoo in Nebraska. I didn’t have the heart to tell her I already have Sueño. So, I gave her a pink hair bow and gave her boy twin a bow tie. I’ve named him Duermo, as it is also a Spanish name, same as Sueño! I loves him. He has this sort of “I do say, jolly good ol’ chap” vibe about him. I feel like he needs a pipe.

Duermo means “I sleep” in Spanish.


If you want your own, this Cuddlekins sloth is available here

Treeza the Sloth

Treeza is Doza’s doting mother. She likes old movies and drinking tea, and always knows how to cheer people up with a well-rehearsed set of quotes and platitudes! If you’re looking for somesloth to kiss your boo-boos and pat your back when you are down, there’s no better sloth to turn to, so long as you wake her up from her nap.


Treeza is a puppet! You can get her from Amazon

No Make-Up Selfie

Everyone is posting No Make-Up Selfies to Facebook to raise breast cancer awareness. I understand the sentiment, but as a breast cancer researcher, can’t really see the point unless you are donating to the cause as well. Keep in mind that dollars make discoveries, but cameras don’t make cures!

From S. Watercolour

It’s My Birthday and I’ll Sleep if I Want To

Yesterday was my birthday. I had a busy day at work, but did get very spoilt by family and friends.

So here is the big news:
The boy is organizing for me to MEET A SLOTH. Pet it, feed it, interact with it. I am BESIDE MYSELF. As they only allow two people at a time, once a month, I have to wait until July at this stage. And if it shuns you, you have to leave. If I get shunned by the sloth I will literally cry. Watch this space, it’s going to be AMAZING.
