Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all the slothy Mums out there! My mum raised 4 kids pretty much on her own and I can’t thank her enough for the childhood I had.  I love her very much. mothersday


I come from a country town. Everyone knows everyone. For the last 8 years I’ve lived in the city, but still know my way around here like it was yesterday. This is my cat Sandal (with Doza), who I had to leave behind when I came to Adelaide.

Why is she called Sandal? One night I was hanging out at the beach and heard a faint mewing, so waded into the water and rescued this tiny tortoiseshell kitten. I lost my shoe in the process.

She is the most affectionate cat you will ever meet, loves giving kisses and even after all this time has never forgotten who I am. You can keep your “Dogs are man’s best friend”, her loyalty is unparalleled and I always miss her when I go home.

But! I have my sloths! (And, I suppose, a boyfriend too 😉 )

Morning Kisses

Imagine this: you wake up, it’s raining outside, you turn over and, half asleep, receive a tiny kiss from the one you love.

And then you go back to sleep, because you are a sloth.


Snail (or Sloth) Mail

I have a very good and beautiful friend over in the USA for a few years of work. I miss her a lot :( She sends me postcards from all over the country, I get very jealous! Last week I got this cute little letter and sloth sticker present in the mail, which is now on my fridge. Snail (or sloth?) mail is so underrated in these days of immediate communication!


Moe the Sloth

This. This is Moe. He is the cutest, most adorable baby sloth toy you will ever meet. He is the youngest of all my sloths and also the most charming, plus he likes watching Disney movies, so I always have a companion!

Moe is Maori for Sleep.

Edit 09/05/14: So I’ve had Moe since about February, and only just realised his name could also indicate “Slo-Mo”!


This little sloth can be picked up from right here!

On the Bus Home

It’s 5:30, I’ve had a stressful but productive day at work, and I’m now on the bus home. It’s articulated, but still packed! If only I could transit like this:
