Beachy Slothy Holiday

This week I am staying in a beach house with the boy and his family. I’ve just got back from a couple hours of beautiful swimming, sun baking and cider at the gorgeous beach down here. Doza took the opportunity to have, well, a doze. The warm weather makes him quite snoozy.

Usually when the boy and I go away somewhere it’s all go-go-go with things to do and places to see, so I’m really looking forward to having a week where we don’t do very much and just have a nice relaxing time reading, swimming, lounging and eating/drinking.

*sigh* I will also probably do some writing for my thesis. The sooner it gets done the sooner it will be finished! Some nice logic for you there… But I won’t force myself. Need this nice recharging time.

primatography hammockImage from Primatography.


Slove is in the air

It’s that time in my life where everyone around me is getting married. The 21sts were 5 years ago, the housewarmings were a couple years later, and now it’s all engagements, weddings, and the odd baby shower here and there. I get quite anxious when I think that I’m now older than my mum was when I was born!

The boy and I are invited to three weddings in the first three months of this year so far, and yesterday was the first of them. It was simple, low-key, with a garden cocktail party reception. Very nice. And I got to wear my new garden party cocktail dress. Winning.SRS_marriage

From Socially Responsible Sloth.

Comfy beds for sleepy sloths

The bed got delivered yesterday. But it was not a very good day…

The mattress got upstairs fine, but the base of the ensemble wasn’t going anywhere. The delivery guys just dumped it with us and now we have to get a refund and pay for return delivery. Oh well. So then we had to try and find a bed frame for the mattress as it would take up to 8 weeks for a (more expensive) split base.

A long trip to Ikea later, and we thought we had one picked. But then the stated dimensions of the mattress were bigger than the frame, meaning it wouldn’t fit. So we abandoned all plans there. Went home and actually measured the mattress, and it was slightly smaller than the stated dimensions, so it would fit.

It was over 40 degrees yesterday, as it will also be today, so after all that we were pretty hot, tired and fed up. When we got invited to a family member’s house for a swim, we figured it was a good idea. It was. Then we looked at the time and it was 8:05pm, so we quickly dried off, went back to Ikea on the way home, grabbed the bed frame and a couple new side tables (with the frame sticking out our current ones wouldn’t fit anymore), and left Ikea at closing time 9pm. Got the flatpacks home and put the bed together all with help from the boy’s parents.

Finally, at 11:30pm, our bed was ready and we could make it with the new clean crisp white sheets. What a day. I guess it was worth it all though… the bed looks great and Doza and I (and the boy) had a wonderful sleep last night (despite the 30 degree overnight temperature)!


2015 is here!

Well, another year has left us in its wake. 2014 was a year of a lot of amazing things, including meeting sloths for the very first time (and hopefully not the last)! New Year’s Eve saw me go to a friend’s house for bubbly, BBQ, board games, and sparklers on the beach. Nothing over the top, just a bunch of laughter and good times with some wonderful friends. I hope all your evenings were special too.

slothfireworksFrom OMG Sloths in Space.

Okay so it’s January now… How did that happen? The new bed is getting delivered tomorrow morning so today is going to be disassembling the old one, washing new sheets etc getting ready for that, now that the boy and I are actually up (it’s midday…still have to have a shower…).

I think the best thing about this first day of 2015 is that I get to start using my Hangin’ with Sloths calendar! I flipped it open last night before bed (well, it was already today after all) and this morning woke up to Velcro’s gorgeous face! hanginwithslothsjanuary

Have a good 2015 everyone!


We just bought a bed

Finally, after trying out countless mattresses, we have selected and bought our new bed. Looking forward to having better nights’ sleep and waking up more comfortable. I really do have some sort of “Princess and the Pea” complex!

Anyway, every sloth should have a beautiful comfy place to lay its head.

Now we just need to get it up the stairs… oh….pillows

Unexpected holiday work

Unfortunately, even though I planned to have the whole couple of weeks off over Christmas and New Year’s, I had to go in for a big day at work today. My experiment was intended to run into January but it ended up being ready to go this week (and I couldn’t leave it). So procrastinating wasn’t an option… Boo.

9.5 hours later and I finished work, and now have another half day tomorrow. Lame. But next week I’m off for a whole week of relaxment. Yes.

procrastinateslothNorm The Sloth



Yesterday the boy and I had a catch up with some friends, one of which is housesitting this MASSIVE place, with tennis court, pool, etc. So yeah, we took advantage of that.

Had a swim, had some drinks, ate some chips, ordered some food, opened some presents.

The boy got given a selfie stick. Need I say more? Much frivolity was had. Also there was an inflatable flamingo. slothselfieSlothilda Sloth