I love my new sloth brooch!

Last night was the opening of the Fringe Festival in Adelaide, and the city has all sorts of random funky things around every corner this time of the year. It’s a great time to be in this city!

Between shows last night I stumbled across the hipster alleyway Ebenezer Night Markets in the East End. I came across a stall run by Jemity Design, who makes fantastic animal jewellery right here in Adelaide, which is sold on Etsy. She also donates 5% of all proceeds to the World Wildlife Fund to promote conservation. And I picked up this GORGEOUS SLOTH BROOCH! Slothbrooch

You can get some cute sloth earrings like this, from here!

Anyway, then I couldn’t resist wearing it for the rest of my Fringe-y evening. I don’t normally wear brooches, but this one will definitely be making many appearances. slothbroochfringe

Special people

Had lunch today with three women who I admire, love, and think the world of. My boss, my best friend, and the girl who was there for me when I was starting out on this journey called medical research.

This last friend became a source of happiness, stress relief, random singing and dancing in the corridors, and stupid lab poems about experiments not working. Now she lives overseas. She has no idea how much she is missed and how different work is without her. hoffmans

A nice and slow Sunday night

After a big sleep-in this morning, some housework in high-30 degree heat and going into work… this evening Slowla and I have been enjoying a cup of tea, a couple cheeky mint chocolates, and yelling at contestants on reality television.

The simple things.


MKR_slothPS. My pajama shorts are better than yours.