Tag Archives: selfie
Yesterday the boy and I had a catch up with some friends, one of which is housesitting this MASSIVE place, with tennis court, pool, etc. So yeah, we took advantage of that.
Had a swim, had some drinks, ate some chips, ordered some food, opened some presents.
The boy got given a selfie stick. Need I say more? Much frivolity was had. Also there was an inflatable flamingo. Slothilda Sloth
Sloth Selfies
Long Weekend!
No Make-Up Selfie
Everyone is posting No Make-Up Selfies to Facebook to raise breast cancer awareness. I understand the sentiment, but as a breast cancer researcher, can’t really see the point unless you are donating to the cause as well. Keep in mind that dollars make discoveries, but cameras don’t make cures!
From S. Watercolour
‘Straya Day Mate
I’m Gon Be Da Coolest Kid in Class Mumma…