Seriously. Best boyfriend ever.

This was my birthday present from my boyfriend (well, part of it, he is also taking me on a long weekend away next month). A sloth for him, and a sloth for me! I didn’t ask for it, I never mentioned anything about it, he just did it off his own bat. And I’m sure he wouldn’t be sleeping on sloths if he wasn’t with me. He just knew that I would love it and wanted to make me happy. He definitely succeeded.

Thank you darling, I love you!


New Bed Clothes

Changed the sheets on my bed today. Lovely warm flannelette. A tan brown colour, in case you were wondering. It is a fabulous thing to have a comfortable, safe, snug place to sleep.

Just maybe, I would sleep even better, if I had Buttercup the sloth adorning my bed! Seriously, if anyone was thinking of a present for me for some reason…

buttercup_the_sloth_queen_duvetInterested? Pick it up at Cafe Press. Buttercup is one of the famous residents of the Sloth Sanctuary of Costa Rica.
