Moe the Sloth

This. This is Moe. He is the cutest, most adorable baby sloth toy you will ever meet. He is the youngest of all my sloths and also the most charming, plus he likes watching Disney movies, so I always have a companion!

Moe is Maori for Sleep.

Edit 09/05/14: So I’ve had Moe since about February, and only just realised his name could also indicate “Slo-Mo”!


This little sloth can be picked up from right here!


My Mum, sister and niece got back from overseas today. Sounds like they had an amazing time! I felt very lucky, got some merchandise and some duty free goodies, plus my sister got me a sloth! From a zoo in Nebraska. I didn’t have the heart to tell her I already have Sueño. So, I gave her a pink hair bow and gave her boy twin a bow tie. I’ve named him Duermo, as it is also a Spanish name, same as Sueño! I loves him. He has this sort of “I do say, jolly good ol’ chap” vibe about him. I feel like he needs a pipe.

Duermo means “I sleep” in Spanish.


If you want your own, this Cuddlekins sloth is available here

Treeza the Sloth

Treeza is Doza’s doting mother. She likes old movies and drinking tea, and always knows how to cheer people up with a well-rehearsed set of quotes and platitudes! If you’re looking for somesloth to kiss your boo-boos and pat your back when you are down, there’s no better sloth to turn to, so long as you wake her up from her nap.


Treeza is a puppet! You can get her from Amazon