Tag Archives: lunch
Pancake cakes
BIIIIGGG lunch today, finished off with a pancake cake covered in caramel sauce and… popcorn! OMG! #amazeballs
From Slothilda Sloth
Special people
Had lunch today with three women who I admire, love, and think the world of. My boss, my best friend, and the girl who was there for me when I was starting out on this journey called medical research.
This last friend became a source of happiness, stress relief, random singing and dancing in the corridors, and stupid lab poems about experiments not working. Now she lives overseas. She has no idea how much she is missed and how different work is without her.
Christmas shows a go
Last night was the Christmas dinner for the university School that I work in. It was alright, had a few drinks, a dance, and a three-course meal. Nice to get out of the office for a bit!
So got home pretty late last night then had to be at work by 9am this morning. Then had the break-up lunch for the group at SA Pathology that we collaborate with, which was a Spanish feast.
Now sitting here in my recliner (reclined), typing (obviously) and feeling pretty slothish! Next Friday is the lab dinner, and then I think that’s it work-wise… Social Sloth.
So hungry…
It’s not even lunchtime and I’m starving! Maybe not as much as this sloth though…
Went out for lunch on this fine Spring day
Om nom nom…