I love my new sloth brooch!

Last night was the opening of the Fringe Festival in Adelaide, and the city has all sorts of random funky things around every corner this time of the year. It’s a great time to be in this city!

Between shows last night I stumbled across the hipster alleyway Ebenezer Night Markets in the East End. I came across a stall run by Jemity Design, who makes fantastic animal jewellery right here in Adelaide, which is sold on Etsy. She also donates 5% of all proceeds to the World Wildlife Fund to promote conservation. And I picked up this GORGEOUS SLOTH BROOCH! Slothbrooch

You can get some cute sloth earrings like this, from here!

Anyway, then I couldn’t resist wearing it for the rest of my Fringe-y evening. I don’t normally wear brooches, but this one will definitely be making many appearances. slothbroochfringe

Sloth Mousepad

Sooo… ArtsCow had a special on, and I decided I needed a sloth mousepad! LOOK HOW AMAZING IT IS!!! Now I won’t be able to get any work done because as soon as I move my mouse off THIS FACE I will just MELT! GAHHH!!mousepad

Sloth Beauty (and Brooch)

Just started watching American Beauty for the first time in my life (don’t worry, it’s paused). Apparently it’s supposed to be good, so we’ll see!

americanslothyAll that keeps coming to my mind is the image of Matty the Sloth:

mattyslothflowerOk, so I know it’s not rose petals, but hey, I’m not gunna say no to this gorgeous little man.

On the topic of love and flowers, I really like this v. cute brooch from Etsy!



Sloth Cake Decorating

On Saturday I went to the “Ultimate cake Decorating Course” and learned how to make beautiful things out of chocolate! I’m still eating it all. Not mine, but check out this GORGEOUS sloth cake topper below. Coincidence that my initial is S and my boyfriend’s is D? Hmm…



Also, I wish I had this to top ALL my desserts with:

sloth chocolate grinder