Gardening sloths

Today went and visited Grandma. She got some work done in her garden. I managed to get out of most of it! I also salvaged a hibiscus cut from the bush for my little friend Doza to enjoy in his favourite place above the bed :)hibiscus

Spring makes me Drowsy

The boy and I just got back from a lazy walk around a park along the riverbank. It is sunny and warm and now we’re back home and I’m feeling mighty drowsy. Not hayfever or anything, just the lovely warm “equilibrium” weather soaking in after a long Winter. Good dose of Vitamin D too. Feel v. good and happy. Maybe this is part of why sloths are so slow, because they spend their days in the sun and the warm?flowers

Sloth Beauty (and Brooch)

Just started watching American Beauty for the first time in my life (don’t worry, it’s paused). Apparently it’s supposed to be good, so we’ll see!

americanslothyAll that keeps coming to my mind is the image of Matty the Sloth:

mattyslothflowerOk, so I know it’s not rose petals, but hey, I’m not gunna say no to this gorgeous little man.

On the topic of love and flowers, I really like this v. cute brooch from Etsy!
