This was the day I met a Sloth, and it was the best day ever.

Words can’t describe how special this experience was. To touch, feed, talk to and be so close to these beautiful animals was simply breath-taking. I feel like a life goal has been fulfilled and can’t wait for the next time I can meet a sloth.

What made it even more special was a) I just met the oldest sloth in captivity IN THE WORLD, Miss C and b) I didn’t know the zoo actually had TWO sloths- I went in expecting one, and got to meet TWO, Miss C (40 years old) and Algae (23), both Hoffman’s two-toed sloths.

I will never forget this. IMG_6627 SandAlgae SandMissC

It’s My Birthday and I’ll Sleep if I Want To

Yesterday was my birthday. I had a busy day at work, but did get very spoilt by family and friends.

So here is the big news:
The boy is organizing for me to MEET A SLOTH. Pet it, feed it, interact with it. I am BESIDE MYSELF. As they only allow two people at a time, once a month, I have to wait until July at this stage. And if it shuns you, you have to leave. If I get shunned by the sloth I will literally cry. Watch this space, it’s going to be AMAZING.
