Sloth Week

SLOTH WEEK was last week! (seriously, click the link, fantastic)

slothcloseupDid You Know:

Sloths do most things upside down- eat, sleep, mate and give birth- and because of this, most of their internal organs are in a different position to other mammals.


Snorman the Sloth

Ah, Snorman. I loves him. He’s the sloth equivalent of a tween, and is a quirky kid who likes to go on picnics and adventures and bounce around all over the bed. Don’t try to tell him off though, because his sweet-as-pie gaze will make you do anything for this lovable scallywag! 20140315-225935.jpg
My Snorman comes from here.

‘Straya Day Mate

Yesterday (Sunday) was Australia Day, which means that today (Monday) is a public holiday. We took a drive up into the Adelaide Hills for a gorgeous slothy lunch. Yesterday was filled with BBQ, friends, drinks, cricket, tennis, Triple J and more BBQ and drinks. sloth-selfie3

Origami Sloths

slothcardboardThese origami sloths look so cool! Here’s how to make them, or there are a few “how to” videos on You Tube if you search for them.
