Pens wrapped in sloths

The Department I did my PhD in gives out pens (nice ones, engraved ones, not a plastic biro) when someone becomes qualified for the degree. Yesterday was my turn – a small speech, a bunch of thank yous, etc etc.

Although I don’t work there anymore, those guys still know me so well. The pen box was wrapped in sloth wrapping paper!

It had this design:


Not sure where they got the wrapping paper from, but the original comic is here.

Conversations with kids

This is the conversation I just had with my eight-year-old cousin:

Me: “Hello darling, are you having a good evening at Grandma’s?”

Her: “Yes. But, my sister (louder, shouting away from the phone) WHO I’M NOT LISTENING TO, wants me to find a brush for Barbie’s hair, because she is making the wheelchair.”

Okay, so apparently Barbie has lost feeling from the waist down. Well, with those arches, it was bound to happen eventually. Also, Grandma informs me she has to make Ken a waistcoat so he can, quote, “show off his muscles”. I guess he needs them to lift the invalid Barbie?

slothmermaidComic from Wolf Pupy.


New Television

We got a new television this week because the old one (which wasn’t actually that old, only like 2 years) was playing up and we got a refund on it. The boy is currently playing with it and trying to set it all up. Looks good! New levels of laziness await!srsreality

From Socially Responsible Sloth.

Also, just an update… This is like the fourth time I’ve been made to watch the new Star Wars The Force Awakens trailer… forceawakenssloth

From S. Watercolour.


Just had a lovely but brief visit from my sister, on her way out of the city. She was telling me how her daughter (my niece) has had a bit of attitude lately! Brought this comic to mind. *sigh* they grow up so fast…maria_sloths_comic