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Tag Archives: Cat
The Cat Empire
Last night went to The Cat Empire gig at the Thebarton Theatre as part of their Steal the Light tour. It was fantastic! What a great show! Highly recommend for a great time.
Oh my God. I’ve just been alerted to the presence of this wondrous Tumblr account.
I come from a country town. Everyone knows everyone. For the last 8 years I’ve lived in the city, but still know my way around here like it was yesterday. This is my cat Sandal (with Doza), who I had to leave behind when I came to Adelaide.
Why is she called Sandal? One night I was hanging out at the beach and heard a faint mewing, so waded into the water and rescued this tiny tortoiseshell kitten. I lost my shoe in the process.
She is the most affectionate cat you will ever meet, loves giving kisses and even after all this time has never forgotten who I am. You can keep your “Dogs are man’s best friend”, her loyalty is unparalleled and I always miss her when I go home.
But! I have my sloths! (And, I suppose, a boyfriend too )
Sloth Loves Cat
How strange to see the absolute love that this sloth has for the cat! This is adorable.