Lucy Cooke on Sloths

Lucy Cooke, author of A Little Book of Sloth and The Power of Sloth, wrote this awesome article for The Idler:

It wasn’t until the seventeenth century, after years of arguing, the Holy powers-that-be finally decided on its definitive top seven sins. And sloth snuggled in at number four…

It was thanks to celebrated French naturalist Georges Buffon that the moniker really stuck, when he became the first person to scientifically describe the sloth in 1749: ‘Slowness, habitual pain, and stupidity are the results of this strange and bungled conformation. These sloths are the lowest form of existence. One more defect would have made their lives impossible.’

It’s lucky the sloth is such an affable chap. And doesn’t read or speak French because, if he did, I’m sure that even he would struggle to swallow such slurs without a (very slow) fight.enhanced-buzz-wide-13671-1397213403-7

Sloth Mousepad

Sooo… ArtsCow had a special on, and I decided I needed a sloth mousepad! LOOK HOW AMAZING IT IS!!! Now I won’t be able to get any work done because as soon as I move my mouse off THIS FACE I will just MELT! GAHHH!!mousepad

The week that was


I’ve had a fairly busy week this week. My finger is still fractured and very bruised, making work difficult, but apart from that work has been a bit lame with computer stuff taking up all my time.

This weekend so far has been all about the footy. The last round of AFL and the first finals round of SANFL. As I have a football-mad boyfriend you can imagine all the talk going on (“If this team wins by x amount and that team loses to the other team then we just have to win by this much to make the finals…”), to which I smile and nod because, well, I don’t really know tons about it but I embrace his obsessions as he does mine (ie. sloths).

In saying that, my team lost yesterday so we finished fifth on the ladder, and finals start next week, and his team will finish probably ninth or something, so they are out of the finals this year, but his SANFL team won a final, so he’s still happy.

So that’s what’s going on in my life right now, sport, yay. The boy’s gone to another game this afternoon, so I’m at home now with marking and bathrooms waiting to be completed and cleaned respectively. Then the in-laws around for dinner. Making chicken and chorizo paella.