Going Out Tonight…

I’ve got tickets to Departure at the Art Gallery of South Australia tonight. Looking forward to it! But also would love to go home and curl up and watch a movie. Is that bad? So antisocial. But so sleepy. Word to the wise: I prefer Saturday night shenanigans to Friday night funs. Too much work before hand and not enough sleeping. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Sloth on a Bike

Back in Slothsgivings, Buzzfeed challenged its writers/readers to draw a sloth on a bicycle. Just because. Of course. There were some… interesting… illustrations. (View them all here.)slothbikepic

But I think Dark Cycle Clothing has to take the cake for its incredible Sloth on a Bike on a Tshirt. Wowsa.slothshirtbikeI should point out that I DON’T ride a bike. I do have an exercise bike at home, slightly collecting dust, but one of these days I WILL ride it! However I think (even though it’s proverbially wrong) that I’ve forgotten how to ride a bike. I feel like if I tried, I’d fall. So, bully for you if you know/enjoy riding but unfortunately it’s not for me!!


United Sloths of America

This week was the 13th anniversary of 9/11. Just thought it was worth a post. I didn’t know anyone involved in the tragedy that unfolded on that fateful day, but nevertheless still feel for all people affected by terrorism throughout the world. Right now in Oz there is a “high” terrorism risk, and whilst I’m not worried by that at this point in time, one still questions why people do the things they do.

World peace might happen one day! I hope I’m still around to see it.

mount slothmoreMount Slothmore by S.Watercolour.


A sloth as an adult

Do you ever have those days where you’re like “Shit, I’m such an adult now. When did that happen?” I caught myself thinking about how there aren’t enough hours in a day or days in a week to get stuff done at work, and how I probably shouldn’t have gone to Friday night drinks but kept working for another hour or so, and then taken more work home with me (which, actually, I did do), and I stopped myself RIGHT THERE and I said “No, I need to have a life.” When did I become such a, a… grown up? I still feel so young, but then I listen to Triple J and think what is this crap, I should listen to Double J, but then can’t be bothered getting my digital radio out and OH it’s just so hard. workingsloth

A Sloth, Needs a Beard

Went to see The Beards live at Jive in Adelaide last night. 4 albums full of songs about beards! So who wants to start The Sloths? Songs about sloths! All the time! What could be better!?

Here’s a few awesome pics of sloths with beards and beards with sloths. Nice.sloth beard