In lectures, my friend Marcus used to draw sloths for me.
Sir Algernon the Sloth
Make way for your sloth knight in (slimy?) armor, Sir Algernon!
Coming from Cuddly Critters on Amazon or eBay, Sir Algernon is an old and wise sloth who is prone to taking naps in the middle of a sentence. This loveable Grandfather sloth is happy to sit and watch game shows, soapies, and old-timey movies with you and is very fond of a cuddle.
Where does the name Algernon come from? Sloths are known for growing an entire ecosystem in their fur as they move so slowly. In particular, algae grows and is used by the sloth for camouflage and to feed their young.
The “Sir” part of Algernon’s name, as well as him looking quite regal, comes from here.
Burrito Sloth
Sloth Appreciation Society
Head on over to, where you can join the Sloth Appreciation Society! Receive the newsletter from Lucy Cooke to keep up with all the latest in sloth TV, books, videos, Apps, and more. Plus you get a cute lil certificate
Sloth Socks a-hoy!
Family-filled weekend
On the weekend (I know, I didn’t post anything… bad girl) I had my sister and niece stay over at my house Saturday night. Then on Sunday we all saw extended family. Then had dinner at the boy’s parent’s place on Sunday night. So it was a family-filled weekend for sure!
It’s very cute, but my niece claims to love anything that I love. She “loves” Harry Potter and has the costume (admittedly which I gave her), movies, etc. She also “loves” sloths! Haha positive influences much? Anyway, I have a small number of sloth books on my book case at home, and she decided to read them all in the car on the way to see family Sunday. THEN when she finishes them all, you know what she says?
I love sloths. I love them even more than you, Aunty Sarah.
Now, I’m happy she loves sloths. And they say that mimickry is the highest form of flattery. But…..uhh… nuh-uh. I don’t think so sista. Watch yo-self.
Sloth gets a C-Section to save baby
The Kids Saving the Rainforest Sanctuary in Costa Rica found an injured pregnant sloth after she fell out of a tree:
The sloth was badly injured… The baby had breached, or flipped over in the mother’s uterus. The only way to save it was to remove it via a C-section. The 30-minute procedure saved both the mother and child’s lives, although the baby sloth is currently struggling with some lung problems. This is the first known sloth C-section.
Read the entire article here.
Sick Little Sloth
Peach Kitty Slothy Time
The boy and I spent the evening playing Super Mario 3D World on WiiU. I was so good at it… In this “family” game, the characters get kitty cat suits. So I was Princess Peach, in a pink cat suit! The best.
But you know what would b the best EVER? Sloth suits. Although that would make finishing within the time limit hard…