Seriously. Best boyfriend ever.
This was my birthday present from my boyfriend (well, part of it, he is also taking me on a long weekend away next month). A sloth for him, and a sloth for me! I didn’t ask for it, I never mentioned anything about it, he just did it off his own bat. And I’m sure he wouldn’t be sleeping on sloths if he wasn’t with me. He just knew that I would love it and wanted to make me happy. He definitely succeeded.
Thank you darling, I love you!
Burgers for Dinner…
Image credit: OMG Sloths in Space
I now pronounce you husband and sloth
Three weddings in three months. Three great parties with a bunch of wonderful people. It’s amazing to witness the love that people have for each other and see how they are willing to declare it in front of everyone, and commit to a lifetime together.
Yesterday’s celebration was held at a vineyard in the Riverland and it was gorgeous. Everyone looked amazing, including Doza! (Our little family is so matchy-matchy here, I love it!)
All the sloths for all the birthdays
People just know how to make me smile. Get me sloth things for my birthday. Mum is getting me the cute sloth tea infuser when it finally comes out, and I got some lovely handmade cards from my little cousin and my brother!
It’s my birthday and I’ll sloth if I want to
Good things take time.
And sometimes you question if it is all worth it. But always remember:
Image credit: Em’s Positivity Blog
The gorgeous face of sloth.
From Primatography. Don’t forget to order your copy of Slothlove before the week is out!!
Gelati Sloth
Gelato Messina posted this on their Instagram today. Awesome!