Currently watching Sherlock Holmes. Would be better with sloths. Of course.
Seeing the family for the weekend
Sloths may be a reservoir for Q Fever
Q Fever is caused by a bacterial infection, and causes flu-like symptoms, which may progress to pneumonia and occasionally hepatitis.
Whilst domestic cattle, goats and sheep are the most common reservoirs for Q fever, a new study in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene strengthens the hypothesis that sloths in French Guiana may be a WILD reservoir for Q fever.
Q fever often results in abortion within domestic animals, and the researchers found a 1-2 month lagged correlation between Q fever incidence and the number of three-toed sloth births. This was also associated with the rainy season.
Poor little sick sloths!
All I want in life is to stare into these eyes for hours on end.
Courtesy of Primatography.
The Sloth Cycle
This fantastic YouTube clip illustrates the sloth-moth-poop sloth cycle! Check it out!
This is how I feel when a good friend contacts me out of the blue :)
Gold Sloth Bracelet
How beautiful is this sloth bracelet from Etsy?