2016 is here.

Another year gone and left us in its wake. 2015 has been good to me – I got my PhD and started my first professional job, plus had a couple trips away and of course spent the year surrounded by family and friends.

On New Year’s Eve my degree was conferred and I was officially awarded the title of Doctor, so 2016 starts with a new title, new degree, and gainful employment!

Now that it’s New Year’s Day I can finally start using my new Sloths 2016 Calendar!! Up first in January is little Pumpkin!2016_calendarcalendar_january

Please remember – they are more than just a cute face.

As The Sloth Institute of Costa Rica has recently reminded us in a poignant and well written reflection, sloths are more than just a cute face. These amazing creatures are constantly under threat from habitat destruction, powerlines, and smugglers. Babies are often left orphaned and, if they are lucky, they end up in the hands of a place like TSI. But even then it is not smooth sailing. Some beautiful little sloths that I have posted about on this website, such as Locket, Chuck, and Paddington, have not made it, despite initial hope.

Please, if you know someone who is a lover of sloths, consider “adopting” a sloth in place of a Christmas present this year, so places like the Sloth Institute and the Sloth Sanctuary can keep up the very important work that they do with these beloved animals.  littlesloth3

Stoner Sloth

So, there’s a new ad campaign from the New South Wales government trying to discourage people from smoking marijuana – “You’re worse on weed”, with the character and hashtag #StonerSloth.


The website (for more gifs etc) is here, but Buzzfeed’s write up is much more on point.

Pens wrapped in sloths

The Department I did my PhD in gives out pens (nice ones, engraved ones, not a plastic biro) when someone becomes qualified for the degree. Yesterday was my turn – a small speech, a bunch of thank yous, etc etc.

Although I don’t work there anymore, those guys still know me so well. The pen box was wrapped in sloth wrapping paper!

It had this design:


Not sure where they got the wrapping paper from, but the original comic is here.

Spooky Sloths

Here’s to all you spooky sloths hitting the streets to fill your tummies with tasty treats. I do hope that someone dresses up as a sloth. I love the effort by Super Sloth on Instagram with her hand-made knitted sloth costumes!costumesupersloth

However, if you don’t have the skills, patience, materials or will to make one for yourself, you can pick up a similar one from Kigurumi.

Have fun, be scary, don’t get eaten by zombies, and have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!


Cartoon courtesy Liz Climo.

Lock Screen Sloth

I changed the wallpaper on my lock screen today to a picture of Chuck the sloth. Now I can’t stop smiling and going “hmmmm” with a closed mouth straight smile (you know the one) every time I look at my phone. TELL ME YOUR HEART HASN’T MELTED YETlockscreensloth