Author Archives: Sarah

Sloth Jumpers

If you really want to shock your friends (read: scare…) these sloth jumpers might just do the trick! I love sloths, obviously, but this might just be a little over the top. slothjumpers

Jumper one, two and three from

Wardrobe emergencies

I have a lot of clothes. But sometimes, you just can’t find the right thing to wear. Take tonight for example.

It’s still warm from the day, so I really wanted to wear a dress. But it was also raining today, so the ground is wet. So both heels and sandals are out (heels will sink, sandals will make my toes dirty from mud). And as I’ve got quite stumpy legs, I don’t like wearing flats with dresses. In addition, it will probably get colder as the evening wears on I need to wear a jacket but I don’t have one that is the right combination of stylish, suited to the outfit, and warm. So I’ve completely redone the outfit I was wearing and now I’m in my Levi’s, ballet flats, and a little jacket to cover my shoulders, but taking a bigger jacket that I can replace it with if need be.


Happy Birthday Mumsie

My Mum reads (and likes on Facebook) every single one of my posts on here. So this is a post just for her, on her birthday.

Happy birthday Mumsie, I’m thankful for everything that you have given me, sacrificed for me, let me get away with, and done for me throughout my life.

I love you very much.


Back to Work

I’ve had the last 5 days (including the weekend of course) at home, but went back to work today. It was a pretty good day at work actually, I made a slideshow, finished the first draft of my next paper, and most importantly got some good news on something I’ve been working on for a very long time. One more hurdle and it will be a huge step in my career. Watch this space…
almost there sloth