Happy Easter Sloth Friends!

It’s Easter Sunday today! Started with a family brunch complete with croissants, hot cross buns, sparkling moscato, and chocolate eggs of course. slothandrabbit

My little cousins also made Easter cards for the boy and I.

I got a card with a sloth coming out of an Easter egg, did you?


Working up the motivation

This afternoon I’ve sat and watched three episodes of Buffy whilst doing sudoku and messing around on social media. Then I look at the clock and it’s 4pm and I haven’t really achieved much today… so now I’m about to do a bit of writing… yay. It’s taking much longer than I anticipated.no ideaFrom Slothilda.


Polenta cucina

Went out for dinner for the boy’s Mum’s birthday tonight.Highly recommend this place.  A three-course FEAST of polenta, carpaccio, home-made pasta, gnocci, steak, more polenta, Italian donuts and chocolate ricotta gnocci, plus gorgeous Italian wine. It. Was. Amazing. nomnomnom