Christmas shows a go

Last night was the Christmas dinner for the university School that I work in. It was alright, had a few drinks, a dance, and a three-course meal. Nice to get out of the office for a bit!

So got home pretty late last night then had to be at work by 9am this morning. Then had the break-up lunch for the group at SA Pathology that we collaborate with, which was a Spanish feast.

Now sitting here in my recliner (reclined), typing (obviously) and feeling pretty slothish! Next Friday is the lab dinner, and then I think that’s it work-wise… Social Sloth.




Almost fell asleep testing beds today

May be getting a new bed after Christmas. So today the boy and I went and got “tested” for our ideal mattress! It basically involved lying on this mechanical bed for about 5 minutes while it moved underneath us and “analysed” us. In the end we both had exactly the same ideal firmness etc (altogether now, awww…).

After that the salesman made us test a whole bunch of mattresses. I thought my current mattress was okay, but, wow. Nothing like these. So SOFT. Almost fell asleep a couple times, they were so amazing. Just the thing for sleepy sloths.

Hmmm. Dreading going to bed now on my inferior mattress. #sadface.
primatography hugFrom Primatography.


Woolworths Super Animals sloth card NSFW

Managed to get one of the Woolworths Super Animals cards featuring the three-toed pygmy sloth.


The cool thing about this promotion for kids is that they can get a sound reader which, when you swipe the card through it, makes the animal sound of that card. I was really interested in the noise that the sloth card made! My little cousin happened to have one of the sound readers, and, well… have a listen.

Audio Player

Now, I’m not sure what the Woolworths promotional/research team was thinking when they picked this noise for the sloth. If you don’t know already, that noise, the screaming noise, is the sound of a sloth mating call. The noise a female sloth makes to attract males and tell them she is in heat.

Yeah. That’s right. All your kids are listening to horny sloths looking to get it on.

New Television

We got a new television this week because the old one (which wasn’t actually that old, only like 2 years) was playing up and we got a refund on it. The boy is currently playing with it and trying to set it all up. Looks good! New levels of laziness await!srsreality

From Socially Responsible Sloth.

Also, just an update… This is like the fourth time I’ve been made to watch the new Star Wars The Force Awakens trailer… forceawakenssloth

From S. Watercolour.