Happy Birthday Mumsie

My Mum reads (and likes on Facebook) every single one of my posts on here. So this is a post just for her, on her birthday.

Happy birthday Mumsie, I’m thankful for everything that you have given me, sacrificed for me, let me get away with, and done for me throughout my life.

I love you very much.


Going Out Tonight…

I’ve got tickets to Departure at the Art Gallery of South Australia tonight. Looking forward to it! But also would love to go home and curl up and watch a movie. Is that bad? So antisocial. But so sleepy. Word to the wise: I prefer Saturday night shenanigans to Friday night funs. Too much work before hand and not enough sleeping. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all the slothy Mums out there! My mum raised 4 kids pretty much on her own and I can’t thank her enough for the childhood I had.  I love her very much. mothersday