Big Sloth

Bahhh vom. The boy is making me watch Big Brother because someone he knows was an intruder today. It’s so lame. I used to watch this show, and refused to this year. Don’t know what I ever saw in it.

But… he did make pizza for dinner… so… I ain’t mad.intruder

pizzaslothFrom OMGSlothsinSpace

Happy International Sloth Day!!


Sloth International Day was created by Foundation AIUNAU.


“[Sloth International Day] was created … to bring the world of sloths and their forest to the citizens/people as a process of sensibilization towards wildlife. It is important to get to know these species so special, these cryptic and shy beings that inspire us and awaken our tender feelings. There is a lot that sloths can teach us – respect, tenderness, joy, pacific share. Nevertheless, without consideration, in our lack of awareness, we harm them so much and bring their existence in danger of extinction.”


Sloth GIFs are go

Now available for iPhone 5-6 with iOS8 is the new GIF keyboard by Riffsy. GIFs are great for expressing yourself anytime, but this app lets you search for any GIF out there.

Do you understand? THIS MEANS YOU CAN MESSAGE SLOTH GIFS TO ALL YOUR SLOTH FRIENDS. Do it. Spread the love. Spread the sloth.

