Sir Algernon the Sloth

Make way for your sloth knight in (slimy?) armor, Sir Algernon!

Coming from Cuddly Critters on Amazon or eBay, Sir Algernon is an old and wise sloth who is prone to taking naps in the middle of a sentence. This loveable Grandfather sloth is happy to sit and watch game shows, soapies, and old-timey movies with you and is very fond of a cuddle.

Where does the name Algernon come from? Sloths are known for growing an entire ecosystem in their fur as they move so slowly. In particular, algae grows and is used by the sloth for camouflage and to feed their young.

The “Sir” part of Algernon’s name, as well as him looking quite regal, comes from herealgernon

Sloths & Moths

Scientists studying sloths have recognized a syndrome of mutualism between sloths, moths and algae, that could explain how the sloth overcomes its “laid-back” lifestyle.

We discovered that sloths consumed algae from their fur, which was highly digestible and lipid-rich. By descending a tree to defecate, sloths transport moths to their oviposition sites in sloth dung, which facilitates moth colonization of sloth fur. Moths are portals for nutrients, increasing nitrogen levels in sloth fur, which fuels algal growth. Sloths consume these algae-gardens, presumably to augment their limited diet. These linked mutualisms between moths, sloths and algae appear to aid the sloth in overcoming a highly constrained lifestyle.


The original journal paper can be downloaded from here, or you can watch this short YouTube clip explaining it in layman’s terms!


Did You Know?

Sloth hair curves in the opposite direction of most mammals: from the tummy to the back. It is usually covered with a coat of blue-green algae. This provides camouflage, making it difficult for predators, such as the jaguar, to see them.

sloth bring it