Author Archives: Sarah

Sloths are mah jam

Well, this is my first ever blog post. My ever-enduring boyfriend has set this all up for me, so hopefully I can figure out how everything works!

On the surface, I’m a fairly easy-going girl in her mid-twenties, currently doing a PhD, I like baking and girly things and curling up with a glass of wine to watch a movie.

But ever since I was about 13-14, I’ve had this weird obsession with SLOTHS. I have no idea how it started, or why I got so hooked, but I simply cannot get enough of these adorable creatures! For a long time, I was alone; most people I spoke to didn’t even know what they were, and simply looked at me weird. But recently, it seems that more and more people are realising the beauty that is the slow and steady nature of the sloth.

I liked them before they were cool.